Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Recent Reading Responses In Google Classroom


Do you think it is a good idea for August to go to school? 
Please answer, prove and extend.

ANSWER: Restate part of the question in your answer.

PROVE: Explain your reasoning. Give evidence or proof from the text and your own ideas.
EXTEND: Expand your ideas in meaningful ways, beyond the text (infer, connect, predict, synthesize, judge etc)

Here are a few of the responses that students submitted to our newly created virtual classroom (Google Classroom).  Once students published their response, they were asked to give feedback, based on the success criteria, to three other students.  They were asked to give a "star" and a "wish".  Some students are still working towards giving meaningful, useful feedback.

I have to admit, I am very moved by the authenticity, and the sophistication of these reading responses.  

I think it would be a good idea for August to go to school because I think he should go out and face the world. I think this because
being hidden wont help you face your fears. Fears of how you look, or dress, or draw, or dance, or sing..... you get what I mean. Facing 
your fears helps you get rid of them. Also I think it would be a good idea for August to go to school, because learning and education 
is important. Having a good education is important, because with wits as sharp as a tack, it'll be easy to get a good job. Also to get a good job you have to have good, no... great, no... FABULOUS self esteem. School, not only teaches you important things but also helps with self esteem by, encouraging you to do better. For August going to school is a great chance to make new friends! Being scared of what people think of you and hiding yourself, means you can't make new friends! What a TERRIBLE way to live, hiding yourself, being afraid of how people judge you. I recently read a book about a girl who was scared of how people judged her, and when she put herself out into the world she made lots of new friends. So if August puts himself out there, ( any where really, but we're talking about if its a good idea for August to go to school) he'll have a MUCH better chance to make friends than avoiding people. This is why I think August should go to school.


I think that it is a good idea for August to go to school.

I think that August should go to school because even though he looks different dose not mean he shouldn't go to school he needs to learn how to get use to people staring. If his parents close him off from the world he won't learn how to stand up for himself. I don't think anyone should get bullied but if he goes to school and learns to stick up for himself then when he is older he will be able to stand up for himself and deal with people staring. Also in the text it said that the mother didn't think that she could teach him to the fullest education that he deserves and if he wants a good job one day and wants to be able to get into one of the best schools or even the school that he would like, then he should go school and get a better education than what his mom could give him. Another thing is he was saying in the text that his best friend moved away and his other friends he doesn't hang out with. So by going to school he would make friend

When I was in grade one I transferred to Admiral I was terrified! I was scarred that no one would like me or they would think I was weird. I thought that no one would play with me. I didn't know anyone there what if the the teachers were mean but my parents said if you don't like it there than you can go back to your old school Worsley. I was so mad at my parents for making me change schools. The next day I went to school and made seven new friends and four of them are my close friends now and three of them are still in my class now. Today I thank them because I love Admiral much more than Worsley, I would have never of met my friends that I have now. Maybe if August went to school he would find new friends, be able to stand up for himself, he could get a good education and if he goes to this school maybe he will learn to love it like I did. One day he will thank his parents like I did. This is why I think it is a good idea for August to go to school.


I think that it is a good idea for August to go to school. Have you ever heard the saying don't judge a book by it's cover? It's the same as don't judge a person by their face. I think that if August was a normal kid, and his face was normal, he would be treated like any other normal kid. But the kids at his school will see he is NOT normal, and most of them will most likely not be able to get past his deformed face. They will judge someone, just by how they look, and they won't get to meet the REAL August Pullman, because, he is simply a freak to them. But he will learn to face the fire, and that will be an important lesson in his life. It will get him through struggles, and he might make some friends. It might be with the brave kids that went out of their way to sit with him, or the one that went up to him to ask if they wanted to be partners in math. I myself, would most likely be scared of him, but once another kid or two got to know him, I might start to be friends with him. People learn from experience, and I think that August will one day be able to offer advice to people who look different, or wear different clothes, or just don't fit in, and tell them to hold on, because if he got through it, they could to. I know WAY to many people that would make fun of August, or run screaming when he came near, or just give him the cold shoulder, because his face is different. But maybe it's not is face that is wrong, ours are, and we are to blind to see it.

I think August should go to school because it does not matter what he looks like or how small he is, people should like him for him. Even if they don't like him he deserves to be treated kindly and with respect. Also, his Mom can't teach him because she isn't good at math and he needs to know math and other subjects. I think the only way he can educate himself is to go to school. I'm sure he will make friends.

My personal connection to this story is when I came to Admiral school I didn't know anyone but I made friends and now I have really nice friends. A little tip to August is, even if you don't make friends, keep your head up high and believe in everything that you do.

Yes, I think he should go to school because he has been home for 10 years. He can make new friends at school, and it might not be as bad as he thinks. Most of his friends moved away, so it would be nice for him to get some new friends. I think it will be pretty easy for him to make friends because he is a pretty nice person. He likes laughing, I know because when his mom tells the story of when he was born, he always laughs. I would like to be around him because he has a positive attitude, or I would be his friend. When I was in kindergarten, I always did not want to go to school, but once I got to school, I always had lots of fun. So, I think he should try it.


Yes I think August should go to school. I think this because from the text his Mom says that she can't teach him all the things he needs to learn like fractions and other things. Another reason is that his family already met with the princable of the middle school he will go to and he wants to see August as a student and he is already applied and did the test and passed,so he can go.If he goes to school he can get at least a decent job like a radio reporter,a factory worker or a truck driver so he can get paid. 
If he goes to school and people tease him,the teachers would help him because that would be bullying and all students have the right to learn in a safe community and he could just ignore the people teasing him. It is normal for some people to have disabiletys or disfigures so people should just treat August normal so he can be happy at school.

(A) No i don't think Agust should go to school because i think people will stare and he won't feel good and it will be hard to make friends because people judge how kids look. (P) I know he should'nt go because from my expeirence kids care what other kids look like my friend got bullyed because she was more over weight then some kids and she got really sad so i think he should'nt go because his feelings will get hurt. (E) some kids may think he should go but knowing how my friend felt i disagree and people already laugh and stare as it is maybe if the sister was there i might think its ok but he will be all alone.


A: I think august should go to to school in fifth grade. p:I think augast should go to school because if he does he will make new freinds and learn the same as the rest of the grade fives. Also if he goes to school and make friends when he is out at the park our where ever he goes he will have people to stand up for him if he gets made fun of. p: People should not make fun of people for how they look our like them for how they look they should figure out what the person is like no matter how they look. for example if you meet some one and they had a disibilty you should not say i am not going to be your friend because you look different you should get to know the person so if people got to know augast they will like him for who he is.

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