Saturday, March 16, 2013

Online Challenge and Assignment Ready!

I hope you are all enjoying your March Break.  I have had a wonderful time visiting my family and travelling with my children.  Unfortunately, our vacation is coming to an end.  For those of you who are looking for an activity, you may want to begin our two new assignments.  Both assignments are on Bitstrips.

The first, is just a challenge so that you may familiarize yourself with Bitstrips.  Just click on the word Bitstrips to link you to the site.  Login using our class code 205EFSL.  Your username is your first name. Create a password to protect your account.  Proceed to assignments.  Begin by creating your Avatar and by introducing yourself.  This activity is simply for fun and to practise using Bitstrips.  Awesome show of initiative, Will and Nadine, for already creating your Avatar!

If you wish to begin your new Health assignment, the instructions are posted for you on Bitstrips.  I look forward to seeing your comic strip that will highlight your creativity, as well as the communication of your understanding and knowledge of making healthy choices pertaining to food.

Please note, the greatest misconception I noticed on the last Health assignment (A Look at Labels), many students noted that calories and carbohydrates are not good for you.  NOT TRUE!  Calories and carbohydrates provide the body with energy!  We need a healthy amount of both on a daily basis.  According to Health Canada, the estimated energy requirements for students in Grade 5 is from 1500 - 2600 calories per day depending on your sex and activity level.

Happy weekend!

P.S.  I will be posting the remainder of Le congé de mars assignment later today.  Refer to the March 7th post later today to see the new work samples.

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