Thursday, February 25, 2016

Une abondance de créativité! White Socks Only


Today we listened to "White Socks Only" from Story Online.  Using a graphic organizer from teachingroom6, students inferred a theme from the story, gave their reasoning, and found supportive evidence from the text to corroborate their thinking. Just to make sure everyone had sufficient time to think, we milled to music (Bob Marley), stopping to share ideas and discussing our thoughts every fifteen seconds or so, with a new partner.

They then typed a paragraph in their Google Docs that stated their theme, supported and extended their ideas.  From there, they used Image Chef Word Mosaic online software to create a word cloud with their reading response.  The below collages are the product of their hard work. (See, we do more than just play French games on Snowdays!)  I may be missing a few, which I will add tomorrow.  

Our next step, will be to:
1. Spend more time editing and getting feedback before publishing our final copy.
2. Working towards transferring information from the graphic organizer into a flowing paragraph, without inserted numbering and titles.

Yesterday, students chose one of the four themes from the Magic of Children's Art (Portraits, Nature and Animals, Imaginary Worlds, Landscapes) and made a watercolor painting.  First they drew the ideas with a pencil on watercolour paper.  Then they outlined their art with a black Sharpie, Finally they painted their piece with watercolour paints.  Once they were done, they wrote the story that their art tells.  Another language/art lesson! Once they share their stories with me, I will add them to this blog post.

In January, we studied portraiture and cubism. Using lessons that Mme Carter put together from various sources.  Students created their own art in the style of Picasso's Dora Maar, then created several other cubism pieces from examples I found online.  Everyone was highly successful and extremely engaged in all the activities.  Once completed, students wrote reflections of their art.

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