Thursday, March 10, 2016

Running Dictée!

Today, to reinforce our learning and the use of the dictée words, we had a group dictée - dictée à la course!  A short paragraph, incorporating all the dictée words, was copied 5 times, and posted around the room.  Each group had a runner, a writer, and editors.  The runner had to run over to their dictée, memorize as much as possible, run back and whisper it to the writer (so the other groups don't hear), who in turn, writes it down.  The editors monitor, to eliminate as many errors as possible.  The roles switch every couple of minutes.  This activity will help prepare students for their dictée tomorrow.  They also have a little booklet of activities to help reinforce meaning and spelling.

Here is the dictée à la course in action!

 Dictée words:

un pantalon - pants
des pantoufles - splippers
des gants - gloves
un foulard - scarf
des souliers - shoes
une robe - dress
un chandail - sweater
un gilet - sweater vest
une casquette - cap
des bas - socks

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