Saturday, October 5, 2013

C'est le mois d'octobre!

What a lovely beginning to October!  Beautiful sunny days, crisp evenings, the surrounding countryside ripe for the picking, branches heavy with grapes, pears and apples.  We are so lucky to live in the Georgian Triangle, our children able to enjoy all that Nature has to offer. We celebrated the first day of October during Tea Time Tuesday, treating ourselves to a spiced apple tea.

Thanks to Julia and Shaelyn for inspiring me to make my very first candy apples!

This week in math, we have been finishing off our Number Sense and Numeration unit, focusing on decimals to the hundredth position.  The easiest way for most students to understand decimals is to think of money. So, in that light, we opened Mme Lemire's Fun Store!

Students were eager to cut out their money and spend it, buying ipads, telephones, a horse etc.  All completed an Exit Ticket before leaving to show me they could round decimals.  Monday, I will double check their ability to add and subtract money amounts to $1000 and show them a trick for subtracting with zeroes (one that does not require trading).

We had our second Spirit Assembly on Friday.  It was nice to see so many students dressed in their house colours.

Mrs. Woods Grade 2 class helped us celebrate September's character trait with a wonderful little performance of poems, song, and art work.  

I was very pleased to recognize three girls from our class, during the assembly, for demonstrating their outstanding character trait of caring.  All three, Teal; Brianna; and Courtney show caring on a daily basis by sharing and assisting others, and by practising inclusiveness.  All three make their classmates feel included and welcome in our group.  Brianna is always the first one to offer to help and invite others to join her in group work, she especially reaches out to classmates who do not yet have a partner.  Teal shines with her glowing personality and her wonderful way of including everyone. She is forgiving and always gives people a second chance. Courtney's strength is her strong sense of justice, standing up for herself and others, and  her belief in equality by sharing and including everyone.  These three young ladies contribute to the overall atmosphere in our classroom and to our school community in positive ways.  Thank you for being leaders in character education.

Don't forget to practice dictée words for Monday.  You should also review the verbs être and avoir, as well as practise reading the French short texts.

We have begun our Words of Hope letters and cards for five year old Emma.  Many students are ready to mail their support, while others took their cards home to add special details over the weekend.  I am so happy that our class was eager to support this young lady in her fight against leukemia. 

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